Monday, October 13, 2008

Create Abundance Cashflow Club

Welcome to Create Abundance Cashflow Club!

Conducting Cashflow 101 and 202 workshops is one of our Service Programs offered to the public. Our community is composed of extraordinary businesspeople who are committed for financial transformation of the Filipino Nation. We live life to the fullest by constantly creating possibilities of abundance and financial freedom.

Our mission is to spread financial education throughout the nation and the world. We are looking for leaders who will join us in this mission.

We need people who:

1. Like to learn how to become Cashflow moderators.
2. Like to start their our Cashflow club chapter in their locality.
3. Would donate Cashflow board games to our Club (used or brand new).
4. Would provide space for Cashflow workshops.
5. Would advertise our Cashflow events in their websites and blogs.
6. Would give us ideas on how to further expand our mission.

Email us at participate @ if you would like to be part of our mission.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

CASHFLOW® 101 An Invitation for you!

For those who still haven't registered for the Cashflow 101 Gathering, register now and let's have fun learning. The details of the event are as follows:

"Our thoughts shape our lives"-Robert Kiyosaki

Cashflow® 101-Financial Literacy Interactive Workshop Gathering

October 18, 2008, Saturday, 8:30 AM
Place: THE VENUE, Pearl Plaza, Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
Fee: Php 400.00 (includes lunch and workshop materials)
Avail a discount. ONLY Php 200.00 if you register on or before October 16, 2008 OR bring bring at least ONE (1) of your friends to join you in the workshop.

E-mail us for registration with your complete NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION and CONTACT DETAILS at and we will e-mail you back the payment instruction and area map of the place.

NOTE: Please be informed that we only have limited seats for participants. We only have fifteen (15) remaining slots left. Should we reach the maximum number of participants by the time you contacted us, we will inform you on the next event schedule for you to reserve your slot. Thank you very much.

To know more about our community, please visit:

CASHFLOW® 101 is an educational program that teaches accounting, finance, and investing at the same time and makes learning fun. The game was invented by bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. It was created for the sole purpose of teaching financial literacy hands-on.

"The reason most people stop and turn back from their dreams is because the tiny person found inside of us, beats the person that is bigger". RICHDAD


According to Erik Arneson, former vice-president and president of International BoardGame Association, board games have been an integral part of human life for thousands of years. From ancient board games like Chess and Go, which is so popular in Japan even until now and is considered as the grand daddy of all board games, to recent classics like Scrabble and Monopoly, modern games like Tigres and Euphrates, Settlers of Catan and countless more, have entertained and educated us in numerous ways (

Here are just some of the reasons why we should consider playing board games:

1. For the obvious reason; they're fun, they're social, they're convenient and they're intellectual exercise (Jeff Tidball, And because games come with it certain set of rules,everyone playing the game is on a "common ground" regardless of the skill required for a game. In short, games put all the players in an even playing field.

2. According to Greg J. Schloesser of WestBank Gamers, board games are an excellent forum to gather friends and families. It is
a great tool for interaction. Playing board games is extremely rewarding one, intellectually, socially and developmentally.

3. It's a perfect vehicle to share a stimulating, challenging and fun moments with our family and friends. In fact, according to an article by Julie Tiss M.Ed. (Washington Parent Magazine) family board games has been found out to improve math skills and problem solving skills of students. As a learning tool, games enable people to `learn by doing". (

Many would probably ask, why learn through games when we can learn by reading a book and learn through our teachers and parents? Yes, there's no denying that learning by the book and learning in class are ways for us to learn but why do you think in school, we are encouraged to join extra-curricular activities and even encouraged by our parents to learn a sport? Why do you think our teachers create games to make teachings more fun and exciting?

Our parents and teachers know for a fact that playing games is part of our growth as individuals. There are things we cannot just learn by reading and by listening in class and there are things or skills that are best learned by doing. This makes games as a perfect arena that will allows us to learn those skills.

According to Robert Kiyosaki, "games are powerful mechanism because they reflect our true behaviour. The way we make decisions and choices, the way we interact and a lot more, shows while we play."

How do we apply this in life? Rosamund and Benjamin Zanders (Art of Possibility, 2000), points to us the fact that any accepted model for doing things comes with it an implicit set of rules and that are behaviours are governed by these rules just as basketball governs the movements of the players in the court. When we play a game, we agree to certain set of limitations to create a challenge. Games challenge us to adapt and hone our skills in a distinctive environment. It is the nature of games to provide alternative frameworks of engagement, expression and growth. In fact, just like any other game inventors, we can name our activities as games, doing this it breaks its hold on us and puts us in charge.

Everyday we play different games and if the rules of the game you play do not light up our life, put it away, and take another one that you like best and play the new game wholeheartedly.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Application of Cashflow Game in Real Life in the Philippine Setting

Many people wondered how can a game make you rich? Some asked is it applicable in the Philippines?

What we are teaching are the Principles taught in the game and not the tactics and strategies on how to make money (as tactics and strategies change over time and various places). Here are the few examples:

1. Having Dreams - Nothing happens without a dream. In real life you must have a dream to work towards to.

2. The Rat Race - In the game it shows how an employee is trapped in a cycle of having meeting ends meet. The employee has to go from paycheck to paycheck without having realized that their personal dreams are important to them and not having to work for someone else's dream (employer).

3. Money Habits - In the game you can learn the different ways how the poor and the middle class and the wealthy use their money. The poor one have the money they buy expenses. The middle class buys liabilities (which later add to their monthly expenses) and the wealthy buy assets (which make them more money).

4. Cashflow - In the game you use your monthly cashflow to buy passive income businesses and investments.

There are hundred more lessons and principles to learn in the Cashflow game that is why i consider it as having an MBA (Money, Business and Accounting). Robert Kiyosaki says you to play it 12 times in order to reach the full benefit of the game.

So how do we apply the game in real life in the Philippine settings? Here are few examples on how:

1. Having Dreams - In our community the very first lesson is the power of clarity. here you are to identify your dreams and goals of your life.

2. The Rat Race - You have to realize that your employment or self employment will not get to your dreams so we require that you start a part time business with us. The business is mandatory to all members of the community. If you want to learn swimming you must jump in the swimming pool. If you want to learn business and be wealthy you have to be in business (in this matter business we choose and appropriate for an apprentice).

3. Money Habits - Community members practice money management. You will learn more of this when you attend our Wealth Course. Making money and keeping money are planets apart. We focus our programs more on keeping and investing money.

4. Cashflow - We use the power investing plan in creating a Cashflow for our members. We use the lessons in Cashflow 202 (you have to play Cashflow 101 3X in order to be invited to play Cashflow 202.) to start a B quadrant business from zero (no personal cash out) using the art and science of leverage. Use the Passive Income from Stage 1 to proceed to the stage two and three of the power investing plan which are: income generating real estate and strategic investments.

To learn more about Money, Business and Life Entrepreneurship we invite you to join Create Abundance Business Community. Some people ask why are you doing for free? Our answer it is NOT FREE you have to earn your membership and not pay for it. You have to prove to us that you are open minded, coachable and have a strong desire to reach your dreams.

Interested? email: info @ createabundance2020 .com Subject: I WANT TO ATTEND THE CASHFLOW WORKSHOP