Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Application of Cashflow Game in Real Life in the Philippine Setting

Many people wondered how can a game make you rich? Some asked is it applicable in the Philippines?

What we are teaching are the Principles taught in the game and not the tactics and strategies on how to make money (as tactics and strategies change over time and various places). Here are the few examples:

1. Having Dreams - Nothing happens without a dream. In real life you must have a dream to work towards to.

2. The Rat Race - In the game it shows how an employee is trapped in a cycle of having meeting ends meet. The employee has to go from paycheck to paycheck without having realized that their personal dreams are important to them and not having to work for someone else's dream (employer).

3. Money Habits - In the game you can learn the different ways how the poor and the middle class and the wealthy use their money. The poor one have the money they buy expenses. The middle class buys liabilities (which later add to their monthly expenses) and the wealthy buy assets (which make them more money).

4. Cashflow - In the game you use your monthly cashflow to buy passive income businesses and investments.

There are hundred more lessons and principles to learn in the Cashflow game that is why i consider it as having an MBA (Money, Business and Accounting). Robert Kiyosaki says you to play it 12 times in order to reach the full benefit of the game.

So how do we apply the game in real life in the Philippine settings? Here are few examples on how:

1. Having Dreams - In our community the very first lesson is the power of clarity. here you are to identify your dreams and goals of your life.

2. The Rat Race - You have to realize that your employment or self employment will not get to your dreams so we require that you start a part time business with us. The business is mandatory to all members of the community. If you want to learn swimming you must jump in the swimming pool. If you want to learn business and be wealthy you have to be in business (in this matter business we choose and appropriate for an apprentice).

3. Money Habits - Community members practice money management. You will learn more of this when you attend our Wealth Course. Making money and keeping money are planets apart. We focus our programs more on keeping and investing money.

4. Cashflow - We use the power investing plan in creating a Cashflow for our members. We use the lessons in Cashflow 202 (you have to play Cashflow 101 3X in order to be invited to play Cashflow 202.) to start a B quadrant business from zero (no personal cash out) using the art and science of leverage. Use the Passive Income from Stage 1 to proceed to the stage two and three of the power investing plan which are: income generating real estate and strategic investments.

To learn more about Money, Business and Life Entrepreneurship we invite you to join Create Abundance Business Community. Some people ask why are you doing for free? Our answer it is NOT FREE you have to earn your membership and not pay for it. You have to prove to us that you are open minded, coachable and have a strong desire to reach your dreams.

Interested? email: info @ createabundance2020 .com Subject: I WANT TO ATTEND THE CASHFLOW WORKSHOP

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